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Information on Deemed / deemed to be Universities and Institutions
Corrigendum of VI Pay scales
Regulations for Approval Process 2011 - 2012
Corrigendum on Regulations of 2011
Amendment_regulations 2012 - 2013
AICTE (Establishment of Mechanism for Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012
Regulations for Performance Appraisal of Technical Departments in University
Regulations for (Grant of Approvals for Technical Institutions) Regulations 2012 released on 27/09/2012
Regulations for (Career Advancement Scheme for the Teachers and other academic staff in Technical Institutions) (Diploma) Regulations released on 08/11/12
Regulations for (Career Advancement Scheme for the Teachers and other academic staff in Technical Institutions) (Degree) Regulations released on 08/11/12